Our Values

Flamingo’s vision is to improve the lives of students today so they can improve the world tomorrow. Our culture, beliefs and practice is reflected in our four key values. Read on to see how we’ve described what each value means to us.

To edit this component you must:
  1. Add the z-index-3 class to the layout417_card card-[number]. This makes it possible to see and edit a specific card.
  2. Make sure you delete the z-index-3 when you finish.

Our Values

Student Outcome Driven

We deeply believe in the life–changing potential of education — every year we see it transform our students’ trajectories. We see their potential as our ultimate responsibility: because our students have such capacity to achieve, we hold ourselves to the standard of helping them get there. We refuse to compromise our ethics in pursuit of these goals, believing the greatest student achievement comes without taking any shortcuts.

Hustle & Grit Is In Our DNA

At Flamingo, we believe if we are not making mistakes, we are moving too slowly. Our ambition requires us to grow to a scale where we can impact hundreds of thousands of students. Growth has distinct further benefits for our students: we can use scale to perfect our systems and refine our pedagogy, but also diversify and grow our network, offering benefits for everyone involved.

Schools Are Our Teammates

In achieving exceptional student outcomes, we need to work in lockstep with our partner schools. They are our teammates. School counselors and educators give unique insights into their students, can help drive alignment, and report back any challenges in executing our strategies. 

Attention to Detail

Building a sustainable competitive edge requires executing a multitude of small tasks with excellence, rather than just focusing on the major ones. This way, the compounded advantage that comes from these small wins will  result in our long-term success.

Meet our team

Jamie Beaton

Jamie Beaton

Co–Founder and CEO

  • AB/MS, Harvard
  • MBA/MA, Stanford
  • JD, Yale
  • DPhil, Oxford
  • Rhodes Scholar
  • Forbes 30 Under 30
Fangzhou Jiang

Fangzhou Jiang

Co–Founder and CPO

  • BS/BCom, ANU
  • MS, Stanford
  • MA, Tsinghua
  • JFK Fellow, Harvard
  • Schwarzman Scholar
  • Forbes  30 Under 30
Zhang Yi

Zhang Yi

Software Team Lead

Charles Nettey

Charles Nettey

Senior Software Engineer

Jiayun Ji

Jiayun Ji

Product Lead

Sophia Willows

Sophia Willows

AI Lead

Lakshay Sachdeva

Lakshay Sachdeva

Product Marketing

Soraya Beheshti

Soraya Beheshti

Regional Manager, EIMEA

Rebecca Pretorius

Rebecca Pretorius

Regional Manager, United Kingdom & Europe

Svetlana Kekutiia

Svetlana Kekutiia

Regional Manager, APAC

Kimberly Scott

Kimberly Scott

Regional Manager, North America

Mauricio Espinosa

Mauricio Espinosa

Country Manager, Mexico

Amauri Bordini

Amauri Bordini

Country Manager - Brazil and LATAM

Bow Oranuch

Bow Oranuch

Regional Manager, South East Asia

Will Yaxley

Will Yaxley

Regional Manager, ANZ

Riley Spadaro

Riley Spadaro

Country Manager, New Zealand

Kunal Mehra

Kunal Mehra

Country Manager, India

Joanne Gao

Joanne Gao

Country Manager, Singapore

Frequently Asked

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate

What is Flamingo?

Think of Flamingo as a companion for school counselors and students. Our mission is to help every student reach their ultimate university admissions and career goals. More specifically, Flamingo is an end-to-end solution for all college and career readiness needs for international schools. Schools use Flamingo for application management, extracurricular & leadership idea recommendations, students’ personalized roadmap tracking, community collaboration, exclusive resources, booking features, and much more.

What sets Flamingo apart?

Students using the Flamingo app are 4 times more likely to gain admission to their university of choice compared to the average global applicant. Based on the feedback we have heard from our partner schools, three things set us apart viz. our holistic approach to building a long-term plan for students; our collaboration capabilities – Flamingo helps students to work together; and our next gen AI powered tools that supports students and counselors save time and plan better.

How was Flamingo built? What’s the origin story?

Imagine a group of experienced college and career counselors spending their free time, designing a solution that seamlessly connect all aspects of college and career counseling in one place. A tool that helps students get accepted in their desired universities. That’s how Flamingo started!

Why should our school choose Flamingo?

Built for counselors, by counselors, Flamingo is highly intuitive and futuristic interface. One of our users provided a great description of Flamingo when they said, "Flamingo weaves a story that speaks to the student, it sculpts a journey as unique as they are!"

How do I sign up for Flamingo?

Please schedule a free demo with us so we can better understand your context and help you with next steps.

Is Flamingo secure?

Yes, Flamingo takes security very seriously. We use industry-standard encryption and security measures to ensure that your data is safe and protected at all times.

Does Flamingo offer resources for writing college essays and personal statements?

Yes, Flamingo offers proprietary resources and guidance for writing college essays and personal statements, including tips and examples to help students craft compelling narratives.

How does Flamingo help students stay organized during the college application process?

Flamingo offers tools to help students stay organized, including task lists, deadlines, and reminders for important milestones in the college application process.